
Erfolgsfaktor FAMILIE

Erfolgsfaktor FAMILIE

In a world that is constantly evolving, balancing work and family has become a real challenge. But at Schröder Folien, we know that this is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity for a better future. 

The "Erfolgsfaktor Family" network is the central point of contact for German companies that are interested in or already actively engaged in a family-friendly personnel policy. This important initiative was launched jointly by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce and already has over 7,300 members.

The network is committed to raising awareness among companies of the importance and many benefits of improving the work-life balance. It focuses on the experiences and commitment of companies that are already family-friendly, in order to motivate other companies to integrate similar measures into their everyday operations. Our certification as a family-friendly company, which we have already achieved, also underscores our commitment to reconciling work and family life.

Source: "Erfolgsfaktor Familie"